Latest site update:

December 18. 2003  |  13:43

View from Watership Down @ Christmas

Welcome in the "View from Watership Down" Homepage!

Merry Christmas to all the Visitors! Hi and Welcome to the "View from Watership Down" Homepage! Here you can find all informations I know about the Watership Down TV-series. If you know anything I dont know? Please mail me! Here are Links, Downloads, some pics, informations and much much more.....


'Important Update Message':

Unfortunately I canīt update the Watership Down site the next weeks or longer, because I have for the moment a large problem. A tumor was established in my ear, and therefore I had to think not the courage still on something for kids like Watership Down. Donīt be angry. Sorry!

In January or March I will make a big update, if the visitor rate doesnīt grows, I will let the site, and update it one day in the year.


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Whats updated?:

- 18/12/2003= The last update for this year!

- 18/12/2003= I delented the Hey Arnold site. I think thats the reason of the "0" visitors quote?!   |   |   (c) 2003 View from Watership Down